The J.B. Buchanan Windmill Park

Because of his early interest in windmills, in 1983, Patty & Dave took a very young Craig to visit Mr. J.B. Buchanan of Spearman, TX.  Mr. Buchanan was a collector and restorer of windmills, and had numerous windmills on his farm between Stinnett and Spearman, TX.  He was a gracious host and his windmill collection was quite impressive.  

Mr. Buchanan passed away on January 7, 2003, at the age of 96.  Before his passing, Mr. Buchanan donated his windmills to the City of Spearman and to the Smithsonian Institution.  Those donated to the city were moved to a new location that has now become the J.B. Buchanan Windmill Park.  In addition to the park, the City of Spearman, which is located at the very top of the Texas panhandle, has adopted windmills as their theme, and many businesses have a windmill out front.

During the 2010 Memorial Day weekend, Patty, Craig, and Dave drove to Spearman to visit the park.  These are a photos from that visit.

Read more about Mr. Buchanan and the Windmill Park at these websites:

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All images Copyright © 2010, Patty Boston (unless noted otherwise)